Wednesday, August 31, 2011


September 1 - its here.  (Ok, depending on your timezone, I'm a little early.) Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  Did you know it existed?  I admit, a few years ago, I didn't know.  I knew all about other cancers.  I'd heard about them a lot.  Runs/walks, fundraisers, events, etc...they are everywhere.  But for childhood cancer?  Not so much.

In the years since I've become more involved, Chilhood Cancer Awareness Month has certainly seen "more" movement.  So cool!  But, the reality is, just a fraction of the funds raised for cancer research go to finding a cure for childhood cancer.  I've seen varying figures...but shockingly, the HIGHEST figure I've seen is 3%.  THREE percent of the funds raised for cancer research go to childhood cancer research!  THREE.  3.  (Or less...depending where you're reading.)

46Mommas posted a status on their Facebook wall yesterday, "On the eve of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we ask you to think about every child you know. Are they worth fighting for? The only KNOWN risk factor for pediatric cancer is being a child. Let's CONQUER!". 

Think about that..."think of EVERY child you know."  "Are they worth fighting for?"  What if they were terminal?  What if their parents were making arrangements with HOSPICE?  Or, for pallative care?  What if that were a child you know and love?  The stark reality  It really could.  For me - I went to high school with a woman who lost her three year old little boy.  The son of one of my employees is a survivor.  And, then there's Taylor.

You'll see a lot of me here this month.  And, the topic will be nothing but Childhood Cancer Awareness.  In October, maybe I'll sprinkle in some other topics.  But this monster and this month will get my full attention.

A friend of mine commented on my last post that she has a contact at Sanuk shoes.  If there are any cancer kids out there that are fans of these shoes, we're hoping to get them to pitch a story this month.  Please contact me asap if you know of anyone?  Thanks so much!

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