Ok, moving on...
6:00am - my alarm goes off. I snooze. To save you time, this goes on a few more times until about 6:30
6:30am - I drag my sorry ass out of bed. Straight into the shower. I HATE mornings; I HATE early mornings even more. Yes, 6:30 is early.
6:34am - Natalia yells at me while I scrub-a-dub in the shower, "MOMMY!? I HAVE TO GO POTTY!!!" "Yes, go!", I reply.
6:36am - Natalia yells at me while I continue to scrub-a-dub, "MOMMY!? I'M DONE!!" "Yes, that's fine, go back to your room til you have a 7 on your clock!"
Skipping ahead...
7:20am - I go downstairs after my morning get-ready routine. Natalia has been down for at least 35 minutes. :P
7:20-8:15am - This schedule depends on whether it is a day that I drop Jameson at school or not. If NOT, I rush through Natalia's hairdo, make my breakfast smoothie, try to help with breakfast, discuss the events of the day, get my last-minute things together (iPad, phone, coffee, smoothie, paperwork for the day, etc), say goodbyes to Natalia (at least 3 of them), Jameson and Jim and head out around 7:45am. (If I'm lucky.) If I am dropping Jameson at school, I do all of the above + get Jameson going with teeth brushing, with his jacket/boots/hat/mittens, find his school bag, and head to the car around 8:15am.
8:00-9:00am - Again, depending on whether I do drop off, during this time, I am either arriving at work or I am getting Jameson to school and then heading to the office.
8:00-9:00am - I am at work. It is typical for me to have a meeting scheduled for the minute I walk in the door. But, it should also be noted that in the timeframe referenced above from 7:20am-8:15am, I am checking messages on my Blackberry to make sure there aren't any fires that can't wait until I arrive and/or any that I have to handle as soon as I walk in the door. Who called in sick? Who rescheduled a meeting? Who's pitching a fit?
8:00am to 5:30-6:00pm - work. Typical to have meetings back to back for 4-6 hours. If it's Wednesday night, I leave job #1 to head to job #2 at around 5pm. Job #2 lasts til 9:30pm. But, I digress.
5:30-6:00pm - I notice the time, "Oh SHIT! I gotta get outta here!" I rush home because I know spouse will be pissy if I am home much later than 6:00.
6:00pm - I walk in the door. He walks out...to putz in the shop. Or, whatever. Kids are usually eating when I come home. (Yes, sometimes, they've already eaten.) I finish that up...and make sure to clean up after. I unload the dishwasher...and/or load the dishwasher. I open/read mail. I try to monitor work email (from Blackberry) to make sure nothing has blown up in the 20 minutes since I left. I check Jameson's homework. I check Natalia's school creativity. I throw a lot away, but make sure to bury it under the paper plate at the top of the garbage can. I give baths if needed. I help Jameson with math homework. I listen to his 20 minutes of reading. I'm asked about a gagzillion times, "Mommy, will you play with me?" I shoot the Lego robbers. I put together the Hello Kitty puzzle.
7:30pm - I put Natalia to bed. (Including teethbrushing, potty break, and finding her 7 items that need to accompany her to bed.) Jim comes in to kiss/hug goodnight and goes back to his cave.
8:00pm - I begin the argument with Jameson about how it's time for him to go to bed. Jim comes to the door to kiss/hug goodnight and returns to cave.
8:14pm - I get Jameson to bed. (Including teethbrushing, potty, and more arguing.)
8:20pm - I get Jameson's lunch ready, if needed. I check work email. I open the rest of the mail. I pay some bills. I check personal email. I return texts, phone calls. I get my work stuff ready.
9:30pm - I sit down. For me. Then, I remember that I've promised to work on a resume for a friend...or that I need to edit a set of photos...or that Jim asked me to look at the DMV website for "whatever"...or that I need to pay the electric bill online because it's due TODAY. If I'm lucky, I start/pick up a project of my own and sew, crochet, draw or be creative in some way...just for me.
11:30pm - "SHIT!" I'm tired. And, it's WAY past when I intended to go to bed. I clean up my project-of-the-moment and go upstairs. I get clothes ready for tomorrow and do the night-time routine.
11:42pm - I am in bed. I am tired. My mind is reeling. I turn on the most boring show I can find in order to fall asleep quickly, but have background noise at the same time. Jim is either still outside or he's already laying there snoring at volume 8 of 10.
11:42pm - 12:30am - I fall asleep.
1:00am - 6:15am - Natalia comes to my bedside one to umpteen times. "Mommy, I have to go potty." "Mommy, can you fix my blanket?" "Mommy, I need a drink." "Mommy, is it 7 yet?" "Mommy, I don't like my socks on." "Mommy, where's Daddy?" "Mommy, I can't find my blankie." "Mommy, my favorite song is on my radio."... You get the picture. (And NO, I did not make a single one of these up.)
6:00am - alarm goes off. Again. I am tired.
...begin again...
A couple other important things:
- I cannot function on less than 5 hours of sleep. I am a basket case. So, those nights where Natalia's wakes are closer to "umpteen" than to "one" are really, really tough on me.
- Jim does a LOT around here. I'd be sunk without him.
- VERY IMPORTANT: I'd be very sad if I weren't able to do a lot of the things above. I am, in no way, complaining about them. I LIKE to drop off at school. I LIKE to feed the kids dinner. I LIKE to listen to the boy read. I'd be upset if I didn't do these things.
I suppose I should find a bow and wrap this up, right? My point in all of this is that... as a working mom, I feel like I want/need to do it all. I WANT to experience all the things SAHM's do, PLUS I have to do all of the things a working mom does. I would HATE to miss all of those little things that happen each day. I DO hate that I miss many of those things. I hate it.
However, I often feel like I'm killing myself while trying to do both. Its hard. It's worth it...but it's hard.
Over and out... it's 10:46pm on a Friday night. Wanna take bets as to what time I am actually asleep tonight?! ;)
I know this story! ;)