Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My new post that I didn't write....about Donna...

There is so, so much about this post that I have wanted to say for a very long time.  It speaks for itself, in spades.  And, you should all read it.  (The rest of that blog has a ton of awesomeness too... ;) )

And, after you read that, go here to Mary Tyler Mom's Facebook page - LIKE it and FOLLOW it.  You'll be enlightened, entertained and enslaved to her wit, charm and loveliness. :D

Maybe next time I won't plagiarize (a. WHY does that word look freakishly misspelled?! and b. is it really plagiarism if I gave credit?) and will give you some words of my own.  Waaaaaait for it...

1 comment:

  1. I love that blog. :)

    however.. I miss YOUR blog. move it sistah!
